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Magazine for the dissemination of international emotional education that focuses on the challenges, experiences, proposals and innovative views that share the purpose of promoting, progressing and consolidating emotional education as one of the foundations for emotional, individual and collective well-being. community health and coexistence.
                                                                                                                           Emotion Team

Rafael Bisquerra


President of the Red Internacional de educación Emocional y Bienestar (RIEEB). Emeritus Professor at the University of Barcelona. Doctor of Educational Sciences. Degree in Pedagogy and Psychology. Expert in emotional education, with numerous publications on the subject. Founder and first director of the GROP (Grup de Recerca en Orientació Psicopegagògica).

The best way to promote coexistence and prevent violence is by promoting emotional well-being. This is the goal of Emotion. We would like to invite you to join this project.

Mireia Cabero

Deputy Director

Founder and Director of Cultura Emocional Pública. Psychologist, coach and Chief Happiness Officer expert in emotional culture, emotional well-being and happiness. Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and collaborator at the University of Barcelona. 

If I knew that the world would end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today” (Martin Luther King).
Emotion is the tree not yet planted: it is emotional education with scientific rigor, socialized and explained to everyone.

                                                                                                      Emotion Team: Spanish

Marta Carrillo

Expert in organizational, group and individual emotional culture. Emotional and wellness trainer and educator. Co-Director at Cultura Emocional Pública Company. NLP-Coach & Mentor-Coach.

My mission and vision is to radiate, generate, add and make my own contribution to the global and unstoppable spread of the Culture of Well-being and Emotional Education.
“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are willing to learn, nobody can stop you”
-Ancient Chinese proverb-

Deisy Loaiza 

Business administrator. Specialist in emotional intelligence and executive coaching. Master`s degree in Human Resources and Leadership Skills. Coordination of RIEEB projects. Editorial Board and Communications Department Digital Emotion Magazine.

My sense of life is strengthened when I can help and facilitate the well-being of the people around me. Thanks to the Digital EmociÓN magazine, we will be able to promote tools and good practices of emotional education and well-being globally.

                                                                                                           Emotion Team: English

Clara Rubio

 Originally from Barcelona, she lived in Ireland (Dublin) for 4 years and is currently living in New York (USA).  A nurse who specialized in mental health from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Medical Anthropologist from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and a psychology student in her last year at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

With this magazine I hope to do my bit for a better world, because as Nelson Mandela said: "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world".

James Brosnan

Originally from New York (United States). He earned his PhD in psychology from Trinity College Dublin, with a specialization in therapy and counseling.  He completed his Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the University at Buffalo and Master's Degree in Mental Health from Manhattan College. In 2016 he moved to Ireland where he lived for 5 years and completed his doctoral thesis "Effects of an Emotion-Focused Writing Task on Life Satisfaction, Post-traumatic Growth, and Self-Reported Health." He currently works as a psychologist in a psychiatric hospital for the State of New York. 

With this magazine I hope to contribute to sharing knowledge to try to make the world a better place.
                                                                                                         Emotion Team: Italian

Sonia Sainato

 Italian translator for Rieeb online magazine, Provincial Referent Ainsped Calabria, Forensic Graphologist Consultant, Consultant of Family School and Legal Pedagogy, Second Grade Secondary School Teacher

"In the world you meet all Kinds of people, but you never meet yourself". (Osho)

Claudia Masini

Translator. After working for several years with refugees and victims of trafficking, I chose to dive into the world of education, covering various roles in community projects, public and private schools. I am currently an English language teacher in a lower secondary school. 

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Jalaluddin Rumi

Florinda Pastura

Translator. Emotional education can change the world of education and the life of every human being, building a reality where emotions and brain walk side by side.

"The inner journey, to get to know oneself and the universe of emotions, is the most exciting experience we can live." R. Bisquerra

Dani Vignes

  I am a mother who is always looking for new ideas to improve herself and human existence, I approached Neuroeducation, then Emotional Education and its infinite benefits.

"It is possible to have a society with happier human beings, respecting the uniqueness of each one, through the knowledge, dissemination and application of Emotional Education in every area of life; this is why I share and support the mission of RIEEB!"

Daniela Dovolich

I'm a mother, interested in Emotional Education and Neuroscience, Non-Violent Communication and gentle discipline. I've always believed that emotions are the key that opens the door to a full and satisfying life.

 "I commit myself to practice what I learn in my limited space for action and to divulge it so that more and more people can change their lives and the world."

Arianna Palmieri

Texts reviewer for the online magazine Rieeb, writer of articles for the Italian section of the blog. Editorial manager of the social publishing house "il Brucofarfalla", which publishes Emotional Education and Neuroeducation books in Italy. 

"People come together to be reborn. Being born is never enough for anyone." (F. Arminio)

             Maria Letizia Cipriani

Intermodal expressive art therapist and supervisor with a background in Theater of the oppressed, psychodrama and Playback Theater. Thanatologist and palliative care support. I collaborate with national and foreign bodies to put into practice expressive arts therapies in the clinical, educational and social fields. 

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams". E. Roosevelt.

Jessica Santinato De Sibbi

Italian translator for online magazine Rieeb. I am a teacher, fond of emotional education and neuroscience, essential strategies for changing schools and giving future generations a better world.

"The smile is the cause, not the effect of happiness" (Daisaku Ikeda)

Florinda Pastura

Text revisions for the online magazine Rieeb.Tutor and translator / interpreter for Asilo nel Bosco, Accademia della Pedagogia Viva and the "Il Brucofarfalla" publishing house. Dedicated researcher and scholar. Passionate about Emotional Education, Neuroeducation and Outdoor Education.

 "Nobody frees anyone. Nobody frees himself. We get free together." Paulo Freire

Lucilla Viola

I'm about to graduate in Primary Education and have completed study and work experiences as a teacher in Norway, Hungary, Brazil and Italy. I study issues related to childhood and educational effects and socio-emotional effects of climate change on children. In the meantime, I travel, write and study. 

 "The beginning of everything was emotion, therefore feeling is not a passive process. "A. Damasio

Alesia Lalomia

Teacher and researcher with a passion for emotional education. I love traveling discovering different cultures. Having worked in school, helping children with disabilities, I now ededicate myself to international scientific research of methodologies and practices of socio-emotional education.  

Be the best of whatever you are. Strive fervently to understand what you are called to and then set about doing it passionately.   Martin Luther King

Rosanna Cedro

Engineer passionate about neuroscience and lean six sigma, I strongly believe in play and its transformative power. Goleman EI certified, I met neuroeducation on my way and I graduated with Jesus Guillen and Anna Fores.

  Be like a soap bubble light and with all the colors of the world

Marianna Montanaro

 After focusing on teaching spanish, I currently combine my passion for alternative and innovative pedagogy with scientific research in teaching spanish as a foreign language.

If pleasure is disconnected from cognitive tasks, we are wounded (KIRSTEN OLSON).

Paolo Mai

Founder of the "Asilo nel Bosco" and of the "Piccola Polis" school, pedagogical coordinator of the "Pedagogia Viva" Academy, co-ordinator of the ''Emotional Sport'' project, I wrote two books: ''La Gioia di Educare pedagogia della bruschetta'' and ''L'asilo nel Bosco : un nuovo paradigma educativo". I am the Italian delegate for Rieeb. 

"To educate is to love, to love is to let surface" (Humberto Maturana)

               Direction of communication | Marta Bisquerra, Deisy Loaiza and Julia Peris.

Marta Bisquerra

Specialized in emotional intelligence in organizations. Expert in development and execution of international projects. Committed to innovation, interculturality and the development of emotional skills.

EmociON is a space for connection, exchange and dissemination of emotional education. It is an intercultural platform to get to know and establish synergies about what is being done in local communities and to get involved in what is being done at a global level.

Julia Peris

Psychologist and specialist in Emotional Intelligence in organizations.

Master in Emotional Intelligence and Coaching in the work environment. Master in People Management and Human Resources. Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). Narrative Therapy.

I firmly believe that the dissemination of emotional education is the most powerful form of prevention for a society that, at a global level, needs tools to achieve people's comprehensive well-being. With this magazine, we hope that these tools can reach any corner of the world.


Mar Catalán Ramos

Director of “Schools with well-being” in Cultura Emocional Pública. Expert in emotional culture of educational centers.

Philologist and extensive experience in the world of education as a secondary school teacher. Coach, emotional educator and school mediator, Educator of Positive Discipline in the family environment.

My collaboration in this magazine aims to go in the direction of Gandhi's proposal: “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

Gabriel Vásquez Mejía

Sociologist, ontological coach and Colombian consultant specializing in Human Development Management. Focused on talent development, change management and emotional intelligence in organizations.

 "Who has a why to live, can bear any how". Friedrich Nietzsche and taken up by Victor Frankl in "Man's search for meaning".

Nuria Molina Amate

Entrepreneur, art therapist, philosopher, doctoral studies in bioethics, emotional educator, mother, artist, writer. Life lover.

I collaborate with all those people and institutions whose “why” is focused on accompanying the creation of meaningful lives, seeking individual and collective well-being.

“A man who is master of himself puts an end to a sorrow as easily as he invents a pleasure. I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, enjoy them, dominate them” (Oscar Wilde). EmotiON is a door for your self-knowledge with rigor, with affection, a lighthouse on your way.

Board of editions | Rafael Bisquerra, Mireia Cabero, Marta Bisquerra, Deisy Loaiza, Gabriel Vásquez, Meritxell Marondo and Maria Rovira.

 Institutional Relations Marta Carrillo

Board of directors RIEEB

President: Rafael Bisquerra.

Secretary: Blanca Barredo.

Treasury: Carles Dalmau  and Jaume Bosch.

Vocals: Carme Pujol, Marta Bisquerra, Tony Giner, Meritxell Obiols and Xavier Monferrer.

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