The Sad Emotion's Country
Gabriel Vasquez

Garcia Villegas, Mauricio (2020) El País de las emociones tristes. Editorial Planet. 242 pages ISBN 978-958-42-9137-0

What are the emotions that have dominated Colombia’s history? How have these permeated into their democracy and their culture? What type of countrywide project can be built from them? These are the central questions that Mauricio García Villegas, a Colombian political scientist, poses in "The Country of Sad Emotions.”

In his book, García Villegas delves into the deep history of Colombia and describes how, since the conquest of the Americas, this South American country has been building an emotional world of fear, hatred and revenge that has given rise to an endemic violence and has strengthen political polarization and mistrust of power. For him, Colombian society has been strongly influenced by religious moralism and an individualized and egocentric political struggle that have prevented Colombians from carrying out their projects and purposes.

All these sad emotions contrast with the joy, optimism and good humor of Colombians. A contrast that explains why the celebration of Mother's Day is one of the most violent days of the year in the country.

Undoubtedly, this book shows how emotions generate a collective identity that permeates and articulates the political, cultural and religious imagery of all the countries and regions of the world.